The Villa Levens Mission Statement

I am delighted to announce we are open for business as usual!
The team and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and loyalty to The Villa Levens and thank our amazing staff, for what has been an extremely challenging time for all of us.
The Villa Levens boasts an abundance of space throughout the hotel along with several outdoor patios and terraces. Private dining is available upon request. Each dining room has its own separate entrance, no need to use the main entrances.
Our staff are trained on Covid-19 compliance.
Protective equipment is available for staff should they require it. Temperature checks are carried out for all staff upon arrival.
Face coverings are optional for all customers and staff.
Wall-mounted sanitising units are available at various points throughout the hotel for customer use.
QR codes for Track and Trace are on display at all entrances.
Restaurant and Bar
– Full table service is offered in the restaurant.
– Protective screens are in place on all bars for the safety of our staff and customers.
– Menus are fully wiped and sanitised after each use.
– All tables and condiments are thoroughly cleaned after every use.
– Contactless payment is available up to £45 along with all other forms of payment methods
– Card machines are sanitised after every use.
Hotel and Reception
– Payments can be made online (please confirm your reservation with the card you wish to use) therefore no need to pay on departure.
– Should you require assistance with your luggage please notify us prior to arrival.
– Protective screens are in place on reception for the safety of our staff and customers.
– The cleanliness of the hotel is our absolute top priority and our housekeeping is done daily however, if you prefer not to have your room serviced then please notify reception upon arrival.
– Regular housekeeping checks throughout the building will take place with increased cleaning of all frequently touched public areas.
A warm Villa welcome awaits you.
Jayne Taylor
Operations Director
The Villa Hotel Group